App Development Track
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An IIT Delhi Alumni Initiative

Become an App Developer with Guaranteed Internship

UpskillInternJob ready
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Learning Format



Course Duration

134 hours

dedication 10-15 hours/week



on course completion

Offer Price

₹ 2,999/-

life time course access

India's first stipend guaranteed internship programme

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Our Guarantee Card


100% Refund!

Complete the course & be assured for your internship on us, well if that doesn’t happen on your course completion, we have no right to be paid & we refund you 100% of your amount

One Time Payment

One Time Payment of ₹ 2,999/- is the only transaction you need to do, and you will not just own the course but also groom your career with our 1:1 lifetime mentorship

Anyone can do it!

You heard it right. You may be from an IT/Non-IT background, but we know companies are equally looking for the right skills for their talent team

Key Highlights

Industry Standard Courses

Guaranteed Certification on Completion

Guaranteed Internship

1:1 Mentoring by the Industry Experts

Focused Resume Building

Skill Driven Program Architecture

How does the Internship Program works ?

  • Learn from our structured pre recorded courses made by experts to meet industry needs
  • 1:1 live doubt solving support available throughout the day to clear your doubts instantly
  • Personal mentors to guide and help you throughout your journey as a friend
  • Build major projects which makes your resume stand apart
  • Get guaranteed paid internships after completion of the program along with course completion certificates
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an App Developer


We will teach C++ to build your fundamentals and strong foundation in programming. It is the best language to start with coding.




Setting up Visual Studio Code

Introduction & Skeleton

Input/output, Variables & Data types

Arithmetic Operators & Precedence

Compound Operators, Expressions & Comments

Conditionals, If Else & Switch Case

Assignment 1

Loops - While loops

Loops - DoWhile & For loops



Assignment 2

Strings using Char Array

Strings using string Class

Assignment 3

Functions in C++ [1]

Functions in C++ [2]

Assignment 4

Structures in C++

OOPs Basics

Class & Objects

Assignment 5

Constructors & Fn Overloading

Class Functions

Operator Overloading

Assignment 6

Inheritance - Introduction

Inheritance - Access Specifiers

Inheritance & Constructors

Types of Inheritance

Inheritance - Pointers & Fn Overriding

Assignment 7

Virtual Fns & Runtime Polymorphism

Abstract Classes & Interface

Friend Fn & Classes

Static Data Members

Static Fns

Nested or Inner Classes

Destructors in C++

Assignment 8

Exception Handling - Introduction

Exception Handling - Syntax & Use

Exception Handling - Nested try, Multiple Catch

Assignment 9

Streams - Introduction

Streams - Syntax (Using in programs)

Assignment 10

Template Fns & Classes

STL - Why do we need STL?

STL - Introduction

STL - Using in Programs

Assignment 11

Data Structure & Algorithm

DSA is the most important thing to crack interviews, this is the thing on which you will be judged about your skills. We will be learning it together extensively with many assignments to practice and master it.



Introduction to the Course

Setting Up the environment

Static Memory Allocation

Dynamic memory allocation

Physical and logical data structures


Space and time complexity

How recursion works, Generalization, Recursion and stack

Recurrence relation and time complexity

Code recursion

Static and global variables in recursion and code

Tail recursion

Head recursion

Tree recursion

Indirect recursion

Nested recursion

Sum of natural numbers using recursion

Factorial using recursion

Power using recursion

Taylor series using recursion approach-1

Taylor series using recursion approach-2

Fibonacci series using recursion

nCr using recursion

Tower of hanoi

Tower of Hanoi implementation

Introduction, Declaration, Demo

Static array vs dynamic array, CODE

Increase array size, CODE

2D array

2D array DEMO

Array representation by compiler

Row major formula for 2d arrays

Column major formula for 2d arrays

Formulas for nD arrays

Formulas for 3D arrays

Array ADT

Array ADT - Demo

Inserting in array

Inserting in array - DEMO

Deleting from array

Deleting from array - DEMO

Linear search

Linear search - DEMO

Binary search

Binary search - DEMO

Get, set, avg, max functions

Get, set, avg, max functions DEMO

Merging array

Mergin array demo

Check if an array is sorted

Check if an array is sorted - DEMO

Set operations on arrays

Single missing element in sorted array

Multiple missing element in sorted array

Finding duplicates in sorted array

Finding duplicates in unsorted array

Reverse an array

Reverse array DEMO

Find duplicates in sorted array usign hashing

Find a pair of elements with sum as K in unsorted array

Find a pair of elements with sum as K in sorted array

Find max and min in one scan

String introduction

Length of string

Changing case of a string

Counting words and vowels

Validating a string

Reversing a string

Comparing two strings and palindrome

Finding duplicates

Check if two strings are anagrams

Permutations of a given string

Diagonal matrix

Diagonal matrix DEMO

Class for diagonal matrix

Class for diagonal matrix - DEMO

Lower triangular matrix

Lower triangular matrix code

Upper triangular matrix

Symmetric matrix

Tri digonal and tri band matrix

Toeplitz marix

C++ class for matrix

Sparse matrix representation

Sparse matrix addition

Creation of Sparse matrix

Addition of sparse matrix

Sparse matrix using


Why need dynamic DS LL

Linked list introduction

Display linked list

Display linked list code

Counting nodes and sum of all elements of linked list

Counting nodes and sum - DEMO

Max element in linked list

Max element in linked list - DEMO

Searching in linked list

Searching in linked list - DEMO


Insertion - DEMO

Insertion in sorted list

Insertion in sorted list - DEMO

Check if list is sorted

Check if list is sorted - DEMO


Deletion - DEMO

Reverse a linked list

Concatinating two linked lists

Checking for a LOOP

Checking for LOOP - DEMO

CLL Introduction

CLL Introduction - DEMO

Insertion in CLL

Deletion in CLL

CLL insertion and deletion - DEMO

Doubly linked list - Introduction

Insert in DLL

Delete in DLL


Circular doubly linked list

Comparision of linked lsits

Max element in LL

Creating a LL using insert

Creating a LL by inserting at last

Removing duplicates from sorted LL

Removing duplicates from sorted LL DEMO

Recursive reverse for LL

Reversign a LL DEMO

Reverse a doubly LL DEMO


Polynomial representation using LL

Polynomial representation using LL DEMO

Stack introduction

Stack using array - DEMO

Stack using linked list

Parenthesis matching

Parenthesis matching - DEMO

Infix to postfix conversion

Infix to postfix - DEMO

Evaluation of postfix expression

Postfix evaluation - DEMO

Stack using LL - DEMO

Queue introduction

Queue insertion and deletion - DEMO

Drawback of queue using array

Circular queue

Circular queue - DEMO

Queue using linked list

Queue using LL - DEMO

Priority queue

Double ended queue DEQUE

Double ended queue DEQUE - DEMO

Tree - terminology

Height vs nodes formulas

Internal and external nodes

Strict binary tree

n-ary trees

Representation of binary tree

Full vs complete binary tree

Strict vs complete binary tree

Creating a tree

Creating Binary tree DEMO

Binary tree traversals

Iterative traversals DEMO

Level order traversal DEMO

Generate binary tree from traversals

Generate BT from traversals DEMO

Height and count of BT DEMO

Count leaf nodes in BT DEMO

Searching in BST

Inserting in BST

Creating a BST


Deleting from BST

BST drawbacks

Generate BST from preorder

AVL tree introduction

Insertion in AVL with rotations

General form of AVR rotations

Generating AVL tree

Height analysis AVL trees

AVL rotations DEMO

2,3 trees

2,3,4 trees

Red black trees

Red black tree creation

Red black trees vs 2-3-4 trees

Red black tree deletion

Heap introduction

Heap insertion

Heap insertion - DEMO

Heap creation

Heap element deletion

Heap sort - DEMO


Heap as priority queue

Bubble sort

Bubble sort DEMO

Insertion sort

Insertion sort DEMO

Selection sort

Selection sort DEMO

Quick sort

Quick sort DEMO

Merge sort

Merge sort DEMO

Hashing introduction


Chaining - DEMO

Linear probing - Quadratic probing

Linear probing - DEMO

Hash function ideas

Graphs terminology

Representation of undirected graph

Representation of directed graph

Breadth first search


Depth first search

DFS - Demo

Minimum cost spanning tree

Prims algorithm

Prims algorithm DEMO

Kruskal_s algorithm

Kruskal algorithm DEMO

Asymptotic notations


Java is the fundamental language through which android apps are built. And that's why we will be learning it thoroughly before moving to android development.



Introduction to the Course


Writing our first Java program

Vars and Data Types-1

Variables and Data Types-2



Nested If-else and Switch Case

Creating our First Method

Return Types and Arguments

Public static void main Explained

Public static void main Explained

More on Public static void main

Starting with classes and objects


Project Structure and Runtime

The Java Stack

Java Heap


Interfaces and Method Overriding

Abstract Classes




Nested Loops and Debugger

Using CMD to run java files

Into to JAR files

JAR Files using CMD

User Input and Reading Files


Buffered Reader

Auto Closeable Interface

ArrayLists And LinkedLists

Custom ArrayLists and Linked Lists

HashSet, LinkedHashSet and HashCode

Custom Comparators


Intoduction and Creating a Generic Class

Generic Methods

Intro to Wildcards

More on Wildcards


Intro to Threads

Methods on Threads

Synchronized Threads

Concurrency with Collections

Producer-Consumer using wait and notify

Producer-Consumer using Array Blocking Queue

Thread pool

Setting up Everything!

Databases and SQL


Insert_Update_Delete using JDBC

Function Interfaces and Lambdas

Examples of Lambda Expressions

Built-in Functional Interfaces


Building our awesome project

Tomcat Setup

What is a servlet

Basics + Our First Servlet

doGet and doPost

Request Dispatcher

Using HttpSession

Using Cookies

Using Url Rewriting

Servlet Config

Servlet Context

Filters Explained with Example

JSP Scripting Elements

JSP implicit Objects

Response Implicit Object

Config implicit object

Application Implicit Object

Session implicit Object

PageContext, page and Exception implicit object

JSP implicit objects

JSP Page Directives

JSP Include and Taglib Directive

JSP Forward, Param, Include Tag

UseBean Action Tag

Expression Language

Model View And Controller

Login App -1

Login App -2

App Development

In this course we will now learn how to build apps through both Java and Kotlin, till now you would have made all your fundamentals super strong and with this course we will connect everything.

App Development


Course Introduction

Android Studio Overview

Formatting Text



Opening Sample Project


Currency Converter App

Hello World


Arrays and Maps

If Statements

Higher or Lower App


Classes And Objects


Fading Animation

Other Animation

Tic Tac Toe App

Audio In App

Controlling Volumes

Audio App

Video In App


Times Table App

Timer in Android

Egg Timer App

Showing Hiding UI Elements

Brain Trainer App

Try Catch

Download Image

Processing Json

Weather App

Maps in App

Customising Map

Getting User Location

Adding Activity In Android App

Showing User Location

Hiker's Watch App

Shared Preference


Alert Dialog Box

Notes App


Advanced SQLite



Device Discovery

Device Detail

Listing Device

Libgdx Setup



Coins And Bombs

Game State

Firebase Auth

Uploading Image

Firebase Database

Deleting Snaps

Login SignUp Page

Following Unfollowing User

Sending Tweets

View Your Feed

Introduction to IntelliJ

String in Kotlin

Math and Comments

If Statement and Boolean

List Array

For Loop





First App in Kotlin

TicTacToe In Kotlin

Kotlin App Firebase

Creating Design In Adobe XD

Importing Design In Android Studio

Android Wear Hello World

Getting Watch Faces

People Counter App

Working With ListViews

Speech Recognizer





Version Control

Picture In Picture (PIP)

Database Management System

Very important to crack interviews for startups.

Resume Building

We will help you to make the best resume you can.

Guaranteed Internship

Get guaranteed one month internship with minimum stipend of ₹5ooo/month on completing the course along with all the assigmnets & projects

Our Achievements

total students


total course


Average Rating


Total Doubts Solved


Avgerage Response Time


Awesome Projects made by Students


Top Companies Hiring App Developers

Why are we the best

Features Recorded Class Live class
Learning Flexibility
Instant Doubt Solving
Personal Mentorship
Dedicated Projects
Guranteed Paid Internship Tracks

Have Any Query?

Why should I opt for Tutedude?

What is the validity of the courses and when can I watch them?

How will my doubts be solved and will there be one on one interaction?

Why don't you provide live classes and why should I prefer recorded lectures?