React Js
An IIT Delhi Alumni Initiative

Learn ReactJs,
effectively for FREE

By getting 100% of your fees back on course completion



100% Refund

₹ 699 Pay now & get it back on course





1 time



can do (IT/NonIT)

Simple English


16 hrs

content duration


course access


recorded lectures

A limited seats opportunity

Refund Offer

How it works ?

A limited time opportunity for rewarding our learners to upskill for free.


Effective Fee

How it works ?

Step 1 : Enroll

into your favourite courses

Learn with 1:1 live doubt solving
How it works ?

Step 2 : Complete Course

with shared curated assignments in


months time from the date of enrollment

Get Certification on Course Completion
How it works ?

Step 3 : Refund Awarded

when you fulfil the previous criteria


Enrollment Fee is refunded

Lifetime Access to course even after Refund


swipe up
How it works ?

A limited time opportunity for rewarding our learners to upskill for free.


Effective Fee

How it works ?

Step 1 : Enroll

into your favourite courses

Get Lifetime Course Access
How it works ?

Step 2 : Complete Course

with shared curated assignments in


months time from the date of enrollment

Free Unlimited Doubt Solving
How it works ?

Step 3 : Refund Awarded

when you fulfil the previous criteria


Enrollment Fee is refunded

Assured Certification on Course Completion


swipe up

Instant Doubt Support

Doubts Solved in 5-10 min

Ask your doubts when you want, and get it solved within 5-10 minutes

Experience 1 to 1 learning

With robust Mentor Support, experience seamless learning with personal mentorship

Why choose us ?


100% Free Learning

On the courses enrolled within the 100% Refund offer through which you earn your enrollment fee back as reward

Structured Course

Learn from our structured pre recorded courses made by experts to meet industry needs

Instant Mentor Support

Personal mentors to guide and help you throughout your journey as a friend through chat, calls & screen sharing

Projects & Certifications

Build major projects which makes your resume stand apart alongwith course completion certifications

Internship Opportunities

Get remote internship opportunities after the completion of the course along with dedicated assignments

Lifetime Course Access

Get liftetime course access on each course that you enroll, and enjoy the benefit of mentoring wheneve you want






15h 23m

total duration



What is React and why React

Declarative vs Imperative

Component Architecture

One way data flow

React installation

React Basics

Functional Component

Class Component

Analyzing a Standard React Project

Introduction to JSX

Props with Functional Component

Props with Class Component


State in React

Destructuring Props and State

Events and Event Handling

Binding Event Handlers

Passing Methods as Props

Conditional Rendering

List Rendering

List and Keys

CSS with React Inline Style

CSS Stylesheets in React

CSS Modules

How to Add and Use Bootstrap

Introduction to Hooks

useState Hook

useState Hook with Object

useState Hook with Array

Using State with Class and Functional Component

useEffect Hook

Conditionally Run useEffect

useContext Hook

React Forms and Form Handling

Controlled Component in React Form

Controlled Component with Function Component and useState

Handling Multiple Inputs in Form

Handling Multiple Inputs in Functional Component

Checkbox, Dropdown Menu, and Text Area in React Form

Multiple Checkbox in React Form

Refs in React

Uncontrolled Component

Callback Refs

useRef Hook and Uncontrolled Component

useRef Hook

React Router Introduction

Installing React Router

Configuring Routes

Link Component in React Router

Active Links using React Router

Navigating Programmatically

Page not found in React Router

Nested Routes in React Router

Index Route in React Router

Dynamic Routes in React Router

useParams in React Router

useSearchParams in React Router

Relative and Absolute Path

Lazy Loading

Form Validation

Introduction to Formik and Yup

Working with formik library

Working with Formik and Yup Library

More validations using Formik and Yup

Creating form with Formik components

React Bootstrap Library

Container and Grid system with React-Bootstrap

2 simple ways to add images in React App

Creating cards using React Bootstrap

Create navbar using React-Bootstrap

Creating Carousel using React-Bootstrap

useReducer Hook

Fetch API

Introduction to React AXIOS

How to setup Axios with React

How to make a GET request in Axios

How to make a POST request in Axios

Create a fake API and insert data in it

Read operation in CRUD app

Delete operation in CRUD app

Update operation in React CRUD App

Introduction to React Redux

Getting started with React Redux

Three core concepts of Redux

Three principles of Redux




Cakes and ice-creams

Multiple Reducers

Combine Reducers


Async actions

Redux thunk

Cake shop application

Actions for cake shop app

Reducer for cake shop app

Store for cake shop app


React Redux with Hooks

useSelector Hook

useDispatch Hook

Action and reducers for ice cream

Logger middleware

Action payload




Authentication and JSON

Weather app

Introduction to project

Setting up project

Adding the header component

Adding the Cart Button component

Adding Meals Component

Adding individual mealitem and displaying them

Adding Form

Working on Cart component

Adding a Modal via React Portal

Managing Cart and Modal State

Adding a cart context

Using the context

Adding a cart reducer

Working with Refs and Forward Refs

Outputting Cart items

Working on a more complex reducer logic

Making items removable

Project completed

Interested in our other Courses too?

Avail Refund in 1 year

Customized Pack

4 courses

₹ 1499

save ₹ 1,297/-
Avail Refund in Lifetime

All Access Pack

24 courses

₹ 4499

save ₹ 10,180/-

Course Benefits

Easily build frontend of apps like Instagram, whatsapp.

There is very high demand for React developers.

Build multiple major projects which you can add in your resume

Learn all about React Hooks and React Components.

Build fully-fledged websites and web apps.

Work as a freelance web developer.

Hear, what others have to say


Siddharth Dixit

Tutedude's mern stack was recommended to me by a friend. I finished the course and believe it was well worth my time and money. With such excellent content and helpful mentors, my learning journey became easier and more insightful.


Keshav Nagpal

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get” this quote perfectly fits this Mern Stack course. Full-fledged 56-hour courses with some fantastic projects and tasks, as well as mentors that are really humble and ready to help at all times. I get unlimited access to the classes, as well as live-doubt solving and mentoring. The icing on the cake are the internship opportunities. What else do you require to succeed?


Gaurav Nikum

The Web Development Mern Stack course gave me a taste of actually developing websites because of which I was able to make some good projects and also polish my resume, which helped me a lot during my placement process. I am really glad that my friend referred me to this course and this startup. I will definitely recommend Tutedude over any other platform.


Abhishesh Pal

A perfect extensive course for someone who is looking to build a career in Full stack from great mentors. They were available all the time for any kind of doubts I was facing. I also got hands-on many projects throughout the course, now my mentors are helping me to get a good internship too. Learn from the best

About this course

Complete React Js Development Course

Are you eager to master ReactJS and build powerful, interactive web applications? Look no further! In this comprehensive course, we will take you on an exciting journey from the fundamentals of ReactJS to advanced topics, equipping you with the skills to develop robust and dynamic web applications with ease.

Whether you are a beginner who wants to dive into the world of ReactJS or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your React skills, this course is designed to cater to learners of all levels. You will start by understanding the core concepts of ReactJS, including components, JSX syntax, and virtual DOM. From there, we will guide you through a series of hands-on exercises and projects, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of ReactJS best practices and techniques.

Throughout the course, you will learn how to effectively manage state and props, handle events, and leverage React's powerful lifecycle methods. We will explore advanced topics like context, hooks, and routing to build complex applications with ease. You will also learn how to integrate React with other popular libraries and frameworks, such as Redux and React Router, to create scalable and maintainable applications.

In addition to theory and practical examples, this course will provide you with ample opportunities for hands-on coding. You will work on real-world projects, including building a fully functional e-commerce store and a social media application, to reinforce your learning and gain practical experience.

By the end of this course, you will have the confidence and skills to build stunning, interactive web applications using ReactJS. You will be able to leverage React's reusable components, efficient rendering, and powerful state management to create dynamic user interfaces that deliver exceptional user experiences.

What you will learn:

  • Understand the core concepts of ReactJS and its virtual DOM.
  • Develop reusable components and efficiently manage state and props.
  • Master JSX syntax and effectively handle events in React.
  • Utilize React's lifecycle methods to build efficient and performant applications.
  • Implement advanced features such as context, hooks, and routing.
  • Integrate React with Redux for state management.
  • Build scalable and maintainable web applications using React Router.
  • Implement server-side rendering (SSR) with React for enhanced performance.
  • Explore best practices and industry-standard patterns in ReactJS development.
  • Gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects and exercises.

Have Any Query?

Why should I opt for Tutedude?

What is the validity of the courses and when can I watch them?

Will my course validity expire after I receive the 100% Refund amount ?

How will I know that 100% Refund offer has been applied ?

How will receive my 100% Refund amount ?

How can I access my Mentors?

Why don't you provide live classes and why should I prefer recorded lectures?