Data Structures
An IIT Delhi Alumni Initiative

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36 hrs

content duration


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35h 42m

total duration



Introduction to the Course

Setting Up the environment

Static Memory Allocation

Dynamic memory allocation

Physical and logical data structures


Space and time complexity

How recursion works, Generalization, Recursion and stack

Recurrence relation and time complexity

Code recursion

Static and global variables in recursion and code

Tail recursion

Head recursion

Tree recursion

Indirect recursion

Nested recursion

Sum of natural numbers using recursion

Factorial using recursion

Power using recursion

Taylor series using recursion approach-1

Taylor series using recursion approach-2

Fibonacci series using recursion

nCr using recursion

Tower of hanoi

Tower of Hanoi implementation

Introduction, Declaration, Demo

Static array vs dynamic array, CODE

Increase array size, CODE

2D array

2D array DEMO

Array representation by compiler

Row major formula for 2d arrays

Column major formula for 2d arrays

Formulas for nD arrays

Formulas for 3D arrays

Array ADT

Array ADT - Demo

Inserting in array

Inserting in array - DEMO

Deleting from array

Deleting from array - DEMO

Linear search

Linear search - DEMO

Binary search

Binary search - DEMO

Get, set, avg, max functions

Get, set, avg, max functions DEMO

Merging array

Mergin array demo

Check if an array is sorted

Check if an array is sorted - DEMO

Set operations on arrays

Single missing element in sorted array

Multiple missing element in sorted array

Finding duplicates in sorted array

Finding duplicates in unsorted array

Reverse an array

Reverse array DEMO

Find duplicates in sorted array usign hashing

Find a pair of elements with sum as K in unsorted array

Find a pair of elements with sum as K in sorted array

Find max and min in one scan

String introduction

Length of string

Changing case of a string

Counting words and vowels

Validating a string

Reversing a string

Comparing two strings and palindrome

Finding duplicates

Check if two strings are anagrams

Permutations of a given string

Diagonal matrix

Diagonal matrix DEMO

Class for diagonal matrix

Class for diagonal matrix - DEMO

Lower triangular matrix

Lower triangular matrix code

Upper triangular matrix

Symmetric matrix

Tri digonal and tri band matrix

Toeplitz marix

C++ class for matrix

Sparse matrix representation

Sparse matrix addition

Creation of Sparse matrix

Addition of sparse matrix

Sparse matrix using


Why need dynamic DS LL

Linked list introduction

Display linked list

Display linked list code

Counting nodes and sum of all elements of linked list

Counting nodes and sum - DEMO

Max element in linked list

Max element in linked list - DEMO

Searching in linked list

Searching in linked list - DEMO


Insertion - DEMO

Insertion in sorted list

Insertion in sorted list - DEMO

Check if list is sorted

Check if list is sorted - DEMO


Deletion - DEMO

Reverse a linked list

Concatinating two linked lists

Checking for a LOOP

Checking for LOOP - DEMO

CLL Introduction

CLL Introduction - DEMO

Insertion in CLL

Deletion in CLL

CLL insertion and deletion - DEMO

Doubly linked list - Introduction

Insert in DLL

Delete in DLL


Circular doubly linked list

Comparision of linked lsits

Max element in LL

Creating a LL using insert

Creating a LL by inserting at last

Removing duplicates from sorted LL

Removing duplicates from sorted LL DEMO

Recursive reverse for LL

Reversign a LL DEMO

Reverse a doubly LL DEMO


Polynomial representation using LL

Polynomial representation using LL DEMO

Stack introduction

Stack using array - DEMO

Stack using linked list

Parenthesis matching

Parenthesis matching - DEMO

Infix to postfix conversion

Infix to postfix - DEMO

Evaluation of postfix expression

Postfix evaluation - DEMO

Stack using LL - DEMO

Queue introduction

Queue insertion and deletion - DEMO

Drawback of queue using array

Circular queue

Circular queue - DEMO

Queue using linked list

Queue using LL - DEMO

Priority queue

Double ended queue DEQUE

Double ended queue DEQUE - DEMO

Tree - terminology

Height vs nodes formulas

Internal and external nodes

Strict binary tree

n-ary trees

Representation of binary tree

Full vs complete binary tree

Strict vs complete binary tree

Creating a tree

Creating Binary tree DEMO

Binary tree traversals

Iterative traversals DEMO

Level order traversal DEMO

Generate binary tree from traversals

Generate BT from traversals DEMO

Height and count of BT DEMO

Count leaf nodes in BT DEMO

Searching in BST

Inserting in BST

Creating a BST


Deleting from BST

BST drawbacks

Generate BST from preorder

AVL tree introduction

Insertion in AVL with rotations

General form of AVR rotations

Generating AVL tree

Height analysis AVL trees

AVL rotations DEMO

2,3 trees

2,3,4 trees

Red black trees

Red black tree creation

Red black trees vs 2-3-4 trees

Red black tree deletion

Heap introduction

Heap insertion

Heap insertion - DEMO

Heap creation

Heap element deletion

Heap sort - DEMO


Heap as priority queue

Bubble sort

Bubble sort DEMO

Insertion sort

Insertion sort DEMO

Selection sort

Selection sort DEMO

Quick sort

Quick sort DEMO

Merge sort

Merge sort DEMO

Hashing introduction


Chaining - DEMO

Linear probing - Quadratic probing

Linear probing - DEMO

Hash function ideas

Graphs terminology

Representation of undirected graph

Representation of directed graph

Breadth first search


Depth first search

DFS - Demo

Minimum cost spanning tree

Prims algorithm

Prims algorithm DEMO

Kruskal_s algorithm

Kruskal algorithm DEMO

Asymptotic notations

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Course Benefits

Recursion, Stack, Polish Notations, infix to postfix, FIFO Queue, Circular Queue, Double Ended Queue, Linked List - Linear, double and Circular - all operations, Stack and Queue using Linked List.

Using Stack - checking parenthesis in an expression.

What is a FIFO Queue, understanding Queue operations - Insert and delete, implementing FIFO Queue.

Concept of Double ended queue, logic development and implementation of double ended queue.

Singly Linked List - developing algorithms for various methods and then implementing them.

Circular Linked List - developing algorithm of various methods and then implementing them.

Recursion, concept of Tail recursion, Recursion Vs Iteration..

Using Stack - Understanding Polish notations, algorithm and implementation of infix to postfix conversion and evaluation of postfix expression.

Limitations of FIFO queue, concept of Circular Queue - Implementation of Circular queue.

Concept of Linked List - definition, why we need linked list.

Doubly Linked List - developing algorithm of various methods and then implementing them

How to estimate time complexity of any algorithm. Big Oh, Big Omega and Big Theta notations.

Binary Tree, definition, traversal (in-order, pre-order and post-order), binary search tree, implementation.

Hear, what others have to say


Vedant Vijay

I had learnt DSA from other platforms but always faced difficulty during interviews, it was after this course I got to know where I am lacking and all the assignments and mentors helped me to get the confidence I needed to crack my interviews.


Nirmit Bansal

As learning DSA is very important, I was not able to find any good resources to learn it. Some platforms were charging tens of thousands Rupees which obviously being a college student I can't afford. This Tutedude course rescued me and the mentors are very very helpful, they will do anything to make sure you have learnt.


Amartya Bhargava

The best data structures course that I have taken! The complex topics are made simpler at the expense of teaching style that allowed me to make it applicable in real-world situations. Assignments will drive you to complete them, rather than just theory.


Devanshu Aggarwal

I always wanted to improve in Data structures and algorithms field. This course is the first course where I got a lot of knowledge. Especially because of assignments. All lecturers are very good at explaining the curriculum and tell many additional useful things. This course is helpful for anyone who is looking forward to learning DSA effortlessly.

About this course

Datastructures & Algorithms(DSA) in C++, so let's talk about it which 90% of students ignore and straightaway jump to development. You know what, DSA is much more important than any other course if you are looking to apply for jobs in your dream product companies FAANG or I should say MAANG now :). So now we know the importance of it, lets talk about learning it the right way, see DSA is that field if studied the wrong way it will get boring and difficult quite a lot, students randomly start studying it from random places after which they face difficulties and doubts which no one is there to solve , and it is a field which will form your core for learning further things.
Done with the guidance, let's talk about me whose words you are trusting, Hi I am Awalpreet, I will be your instructor for this course having a experience of teaching thousands of students already, I am here with this course which will take you from basics to advanced in DSA while enjoying it. We will be doing lots and lots of questions and assignments so as to make you confident in this and crack any interview with ease. I need not tell why this course from Tutedude you should go for with many other courses available on the internet, the most important thing which no one else will provide you is our live mentor support. Trust me there will be sections where you will face difficulties solving questions on your own and then you need a mentor who will guide you through else you will get demotivated and leave this and paying a meagre fees of 699Rs will be your best investment till now.
Join now and I will see you inside this lovely course

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Why don't you provide live classes and why should I prefer recorded lectures?