Competitive Programming
An IIT Delhi Alumni Initiative

Learn Competitive Programming,
effectively for FREE

By getting 100% of your fees back on course completion



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can do (IT/NonIT)

Simple English


39 hrs

content duration


course access


recorded lectures

A limited seats opportunity

Refund Offer

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A limited time opportunity for rewarding our learners to upskill for free.


Effective Fee

How it works ?

Step 1 : Enroll

into your favourite courses

Learn with 1:1 live doubt solving
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Step 2 : Complete Course

with shared curated assignments in


months time from the date of enrollment

Get Certification on Course Completion
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Step 3 : Refund Awarded

when you fulfil the previous criteria


Enrollment Fee is refunded

Lifetime Access to course even after Refund


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How it works ?

A limited time opportunity for rewarding our learners to upskill for free.


Effective Fee

How it works ?

Step 1 : Enroll

into your favourite courses

Get Lifetime Course Access
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Step 2 : Complete Course

with shared curated assignments in


months time from the date of enrollment

Free Unlimited Doubt Solving
How it works ?

Step 3 : Refund Awarded

when you fulfil the previous criteria


Enrollment Fee is refunded

Assured Certification on Course Completion


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Instant Doubt Support

Doubts Solved in 5-10 min

Ask your doubts when you want, and get it solved within 5-10 minutes

Experience 1 to 1 learning

With robust Mentor Support, experience seamless learning with personal mentorship

Why choose us ?


100% Free Learning

On the courses enrolled within the 100% Refund offer through which you earn your enrollment fee back as reward

Structured Course

Learn from our structured pre recorded courses made by experts to meet industry needs

Instant Mentor Support

Personal mentors to guide and help you throughout your journey as a friend through chat, calls & screen sharing

Projects & Certifications

Build major projects which makes your resume stand apart alongwith course completion certifications

Internship Opportunities

Get remote internship opportunities after the completion of the course along with dedicated assignments

Lifetime Course Access

Get liftetime course access on each course that you enroll, and enjoy the benefit of mentoring wheneve you want






39h 52m

total duration



Introduction to the Course

What is Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming Competitions

Websites for Competitive Programming

Terminologies in Competitive Programming

Choosing a Programming Language

Taking Input & Output in Competitive Programming Contests

Cout vs Printf

Endl vs Back n

Fast cin cout Methods _ Conclusion

Time Complexity in Competitive Programming

Calculating Time Complexity of Code

Importance of English in Competitive Programming

Introduction to STL in C++

Standard Array

Standard Vector

Standard Set

Standard Multiset

Standard Map

Standard Multimap

Standard Pair

Standard Forward List

Standard List

Standard Unordered Set

Standard Unordered Multiset

Unordered Map and Unordered Multimap

Standard Stack

Standard Queue

Standard Priority Queue

Standard Deque

Importance of Bit Manipulation Techniques

Basic Binary Operations

Bit Operations in C++

Check ith bit is SET or NOT SET

Toggle ith bit

Check odd or even using bits

Check if Number is Power of 2

Need for Modulo 10^9 + 7

Modulo Arithmetic

[A3.1] Problem XOR ORED

[A3.2] Solution - XOR-ORED

[A3.3] Solution with Code - XOR-ORED

Introduction to Graphs

Weights in Graphs

Why Study Graphs

Edge List

Adjacenty Matrix

Adjacenty List

DFS Traversal

Implementing DFS Traversal

BFS Traversal

Implementing BFS Traversal

Minimum Spanning Tree

Concept of Kruskal_s Algorithm

Concept of Prim_s Algorithm

Concept of Dijkstra Algorithm

[A4.1] Problem - CHFPLN

[A4.2] Solution - CHFPLN

[A4.3] Solution with Code - CHFPLN

Sum of Updated Range Problem

Solving Sum of Range Problem with Segment Trees

Segment Trees - Update Queries

Segment Trees - Calculate Sum

Implementing Segment Tree - Part 1

Implementing Segment Tree - Part 2

Problem - Range Minimum Query

Implementing Range Minimum Query

Implementing Segment Tree - Tricks

Lazy Propagation in Segment Trees - Part 1

Lazy Propagation in Segment Trees - Part 2

Implementing Lazy Propagation in Segment Trees - Part 1

Implementing Lazy Propagation in Segment Trees - Part 2

Problem - Xenia and Bit Operations

Solution - Xenia and Bit Operations

Solution with Code - Xenia and Bit Operations

Problem - Circular RMQ

Solution with Code - Circular RMQ - Part 1

Solution with Code - Circular RMQ - Part 2

Introduction to Backtracking

N Queens Problem Explained

N Queens Solved

Knights Tour Problem Explained

Knight's Tour Solved

Rat in Maze Problem Explained

Rat in Maze Solved

Problem Richie Rich

Solving Richie Rich

Problem False Number

Solving False Number

Introduction to Greedy Algorithms

Understanding Greedy with Fractional Knapsack Problem

Solving Fractional Knapsack Problem

Tasks and Deadlines Problem

Solving Tasks and Deadlines Problem

Optimal File Merging Problem

Solving Optimal File Merge Patterns Problem

Huffman Coding

[A7.1] Problem - Dragons

[A7.2] Solution with Code - Dragons

[A7.3] Problem - Little Elephant and Bits

[A7.4] Solution with Code - Little Elephant and Bits

Introduction to Dynamic Programming

Top down vs Bottom Up

Fibbonacci Problem Top Down

Implementing Fibonnaci with DP

2D Grid Traversal Problem

Implementing 2D Grid Traversal Problem

Understanding Memoization

Fibbonacci with Tabulation

Implementing Fibbonacci with Tabulation

2D Grid Traversal Problem with Tabulation

Implementing 2D Grid Traversal Problem with Tabulation

Understanding Tabulation

[A8.1] Problem - Subset Sum Problem

[A8.2] Solving - Subset Sum Problem

Binary Lifting (Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node)

LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) Problem

Fenwick Trees - Introduction

Fenwick Trees - Sum of Range (Range Find Query)

Fenwick Trees - Update (Point Update Query)

Problem - Distance between nodes in Trees

Solution - Distance between nodes in Trees

Implementing Fenwick Trees

Implementing Binary Uplifting

Implementing LCA

Solution with Code - Distance between nodes in Trees

Interested in our other Courses too?

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₹ 4499

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Course Benefits

Build a solid foundation to become a Competitive Programming wizard

Understand what kind of questions are asked in Coding Interviews.

Develop a strong intuition for any kind of Dynamic programming problem when approaching to solve new problems.

Strengthen your problem solving and coding skill

About this course

Caution : You may get addicted to CP after this course.

I gave the above caution because of my personal experience. And now that you have read it let me tell you the reason for it, people start competitive programming mostly due to peer pressure but later on they start loving it and then its just day and night CP, you will keep thinking on that 1 problem you are stuck at even while having lunch :)
Now its not only about fun, but you also should focus on CP if you are targetting good companies for your job, many companies will hire you just by considering your codechef/codeforces rank. Having a good hand at competitive programming shows your problem solving skills which is what product companies desire for. There are no pre-requisites for this course other than basic knowledge of a programming language but it is generally done after learning DSA but not a necessity, we will start from basics. It will be an extensive course having content of around 40hrs, taking you through all the concepts and give a major boost in your CP journey. You will straightway start with solving problems and we will be doing a lot of practice throughout the course.
Trust me, this will be the best skill that you will learn and enjoy. Waiting for you inside the course.

Have Any Query?

Why should I opt for Tutedude?

What is the validity of the courses and when can I watch them?

Will my course validity expire after I receive the 100% Refund amount ?

How will I know that 100% Refund offer has been applied ?

How will receive my 100% Refund amount ?

How can I access my Mentors?

Why don't you provide live classes and why should I prefer recorded lectures?