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Power BI On-Premises Gateway

Installing and Configuring Power BI Gateway


A common hurdle that organizations face is failure to achieve the forecasted results. In the instant case, Power BI has developed a solution- the Power BI On-Premises Gateway. Quite consonant with the name, Power BI Gateways, acts as a protected bridge to connect the on-premises silos i.e. data sources with the Power BI tool. It is crucial for organizations that utilize on-premises data sources as well as the cloud infra i.e. hybrid structure.

This article will help you understand the importance of Power BI Gateways through use cases, and how it acts as the missing piece in the Power BI riddle. We shall cover key topics, namely Working of Power BI Gateways; Setting up of the Gateways; Types of Gateways; Common use cases; and Challenges and solutions while using the Gateways. Are you ready to connect your data sources to the potent Power BI service?

What is Power BI On-Premises Gateway? An Overview

We live in a hybrid-data-centric ecosystem, unlike those times when organizations used to rely on a single data source. With convenience comes maintenance requirements, it is imperative to ensure smooth connectivity between the data sources and Power BI. Power BI Gateways is a secure and integrated communication channel between the two unstructured ecosystems.

Further, it is important to understand Power BI Gateways’s most important function i.e. simplification of Data Refresh. This function ensures that your data is timely updated reflecting real-time data only. Typically, Gateways supports two data refresh mechanisms i.e. Scheduled Refresh (automated data updates at pre-defined intervals) and Real-time (Direct Query) Connections (questions and compares the data sources directly on user interaction).

Power BI Gateways are vital for hybrid data infrastructure, as they provide several benefits, including

  1. Security of data
  2. Smooth integration and connectivity
  3. Data refresh
  4. Cost-effective and
  5. Reduced burden on on-premises data sources.

Different Types of Power BI Gateways and Their Use Cases

Typically, Power BI offers three Gateways basis the connectivity requirements. Firstly, Personal mode on-premises data Gateways cater to individual users who intend to connect Power BI to their local data sources without sharing the same with other users. This gateway is suitable for a single user working with a hybrid data set.

Secondly, the Standard on-premises data Gateways is specifically designed to cater for the needs of organizations with multi-user access and multiple on-premises data sources. A single connection allows usage of all supported Power BI services making it the ideal choice for complex, multi-level teams to collaborate and generate reports.

Lastly, the Virtual network data gateway, a Microsoft-regulated service does not require any installation. It facilitates the connection to several data sources by virtual networks offering an accessible solution for multifaceted situations including virtual network security.

Key Features of the Power BI Gateways

The Power BI Gateways is furnished with several key benefits to ensure secure and efficient data congruence. Protected data access and encryption are essential to protect the transfer of data between on-premises data sources and Power BI. Multi-level connectivity provides variability to enable the connection to diversify data sources i.e. databases, files and various other applications.

This promotes cohesive reporting across all unstructured data sets. The Gateways also ensures real-time data availability by offering scheduled and real-time data update refresh preferences. To stimulate optimized performance, the Gateways upkeep bundling and data load equalising thereby categorizing the workload across multiple Gateways to minimize the risk of crashes and maintain consistent performance of the system. The collaborative natures of these features facilitate the smooth transition of data between on-premises sources and Power BI.

How Does Power BI On-Premises Gateway Work?

In the article, so far we have thoroughly understood the features and the meaning of Power BI Gateways, however, it is important to understand the functioning of Power BI Gateways to become a Power BI expert. Here’s how it works:

  1. Whenever your Power BI-generated report requires data from any on-premises system it sends a query to the Gateways (whether personal, standard or virtual).
  2. Accordingly, the installed Gateways acts as a mediator and undertakes the following steps:
    1. The configured credentials for the data sources are substantiated with the on-premises system;
    2. Once validated, the Gateways ensures the user has the required permission to access the requested data set;
    3. The data is accordingly recovered;
    4. The Gateways transits the data back safely to the Power BI service using encoded channels.

Further, it is crucial to understand that the Power BI Gateways undertakes the data retrieval process in major 2 ways i.e. DirectQuery and Imports. With the use of DirectQuery, the Gateways queries on-premises data for present-day reporting providing real-time data with potential impact on performance. While Imports are used for scheduled data refresh that retrieves and imports data copies at pre-defined intervals only.

How to Install and Configure Power BI On-Premises Gateway?

Generally, setting up a Power BI Gateways is a simple process (basis the type of Gateways) and includes-

  1. Installation of the Gateways software onto the server in the on-premises network;
  2. Configuration includes registering the Gateways within the Power BI service using your Power BI credentials;
  3. Post-installation, the user can add and manage data sources in the Gateways interface. This includes- details for each data source i.e. server names, database names and credentials. It is important to make use of the user permission option to ensure smooth access to individual data sources linked through the Gateways, thereby regulating data access;
  4. Lastly, testing the connection and data transfer network is essential to validate successful data transfers. Power BI includes tools that facilitate the examination of the connection between the data sources, premises and the Gateways.

To fully exploit the features of the Power BI service, it is important to meticulously manage your Power BI Gateways.

Common Use Cases for Power BI Gateways

The true significance of Power BI Gateways resides in its ability to facilitate several use cases for businesses with a hybrid data environment. One of the most common applications of Power BI Gateways is the creation of BI dashboards with real-time updates. By using the data refresh options, dashboards can display updated data providing real-time insights for monitoring and decision making.

Further, Gateways facilitates financial reporting using confidential on-premises data. This allows organizations to thoroughly analyse sensitive data without data transit, ensuring data governance and compliance. The Gateways also enables hybrid data reporting which allows organizations to amalgamate existing on-premises data infrastructure with the cloud infrastructure of Power BI. From live dashboards, and financial data, to hybrid data structure, Power BI empowers organizations to efficiently control the on-premises data within the Power BI structure.

Common Challenges of Power BI

Although Power BI Gateways offer numerous benefits, they pose several challenges as well. Some of the key challenges along with their efficient solutions are: i) In any technology-based structure, network and firewall configuration glitches are common, typically originating from blocked ports or inaccurate network settings.

To resolve this, one should ensure that the Gateways server can communicate with the Power BI service to the connected ports and align firewall ports; ii) Performance blockages may be encountered due to the extensiveness of data sets, complex queries and systems and frequent data refresh. The practical solution to tackle this includes- improved strategies including the use of incremental refresh, data model optimization within the Power BI system, and adjustment of data refresh frequency to balance data updates with the Power BI system load.

In the case of DiectQuery, optimization of database queries is paramount. User management poses a severe challenge to data privacy and confidentiality. It is important to implement role-based access control within the Power BI system and tactfully manage data source permissions to ensure secure access. Consistent user access review is crucial to safeguard the inherent nature of the Power BI ecosystem.


To conclude, please note the following takeaways for your immediate reference:

  1. Power BI Gateways are essential for organizations with a hybrid database system;
  2. It is an essential solution to bridge the gap between on-premises or local data sources and Power BI cloud-based system;
  3. It also supports scheduled and real-time data refresh options to provide present data without significant effort;
  4. In hybrid data infra, Gateways tackles the issues concerning data security and privacy by including significant levels of validation of user access and management;
  5. It is a cost-effective and simplified system with options for physical and virtual network installation and configuration;
  6. Lastly, with a thorough knowledge and effective implementation of Power BI Gateways’ features, any organization can aid organizations in exploiting their full potential.

Are you ready to master Power BI Gateways and add another feather to your cap? Join our Power BI master course and learn the intricacies of Power BI Gateways with us.

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